Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Invisible Harm: The Impact of Toxins on Our Health

Toxins are part of our daily lives. We can get exposed to them through the food we eat (Ingestion), the air we breathe (Inhalation), or even the sunscreen we put (Direct contact). In fact, we encounter hundreds of these harmful substances in a normal day.

Naturally, our body detoxifies itself. However, as we age and face environmental stressors and lifestyle choices, this detoxification system becomes less efficient.

This is when the problem starts.

The accumulation of these substances in the body can disrupt its biological system and leave negative impact on the health leading to:

Cognitive decline: memory loss and decreased concentration.

Weak immunity: frequent illness.

Mood disorders: anxiety, stress, and depression.

Disrupted gut health: nausea, vomiting, cramps, imbalanced microbiota.

Increased risk of cancer.

Increased chronic inflammation.

Hormonal imbalances

Although there are some preventative measures that we can take like using organic products and air purifiers or using aluminium free utensils and staying away from polluted areas. But, no matter what we do, it will only decrease the exposure rather than eliminate it.

Based on this fact, the concept of the detox program at Yugen Care by Dr Gehad was designed.

Our goal is to reduce the accumulation of these toxins and maintain them within the optimal level through enhancing the body’s natural detoxification system. In addition, we offer a specialized program designed to help in the management of bad habits side effects. For example, this program can be used by smokers that are not willing to quit. So, through our program, those smokers will be able to enhance their overall health through detoxification and thus lessening some its side effects.

In conclusion, toxins are unavoidable. In other words, they are part of our lives that we cannot eliminate. To manage their affects and to support our bodies natural detoxification system, we should take certain measures. Let’s change invisible harm to visible health.