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119th Mahzooz Draw Crowns First GUARANTEED Weekly Millionaire – UAE Today Blog

In its 119th weekly draw, Mahzooz, the UAE’s favourite weekly draw with the biggest and most frequent pay-outs, crowned the first GUARANTEEDwinner of AED 1,000,000, as part of its newly launched prizes and saw 1056 participants take home AED 1,457,500

While the new top prize of AED 20,000,000 went unclaimed this week, 25 participants matched four out of the following five numbers 10, 26, 36, 42 and 48, and shared the second prize of AED 200,000, earning AED 8,000 each.Another 1,030 winners matched three out of five numbers and received AED 250 each.

As part of Mahzooz’s revamped prize structure, where one lucky participant becomes a guaranteed millionaire every week, the 119th draw awardedDipish from India, holding the raffle ID number 31678366, the guaranteed raffle prize of AED 1,000,000.

While the new prizes have become bolder and better, the rules of participation remain the same and will now be exclusively offered through the Saturday Mahzooz draw, held live at 9.00pm. For only AED 35, participants can purchase a bottle of Mahzooz water, and enter the weekly draw consisting of the Grand Draw, for a chance to win the new top prize of AED 20,000,000 and the new weekly Raffle Draw, which will grant AED 1,000,000 every week to a GUARANTEED millionaire-to-be.

Mahzooz means ‘lucky’ in Arabic and is the UAE’s favourite draw that offers participants a life-changing opportunity to win millions every week. Mahzooz is dedicated to making people’s dreams come true and giving back to the community.

Join Mahzooz, live the good life

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